Clarence Fisher
Marketing. Motivation. Results.Start Dominating Your Local Market Today
Grow Your Reputation
Proactively manage, protect, and monetize your reputation.
Increase Your Reach
Ensure that more people know about you today than did yesterday.
Automate Repeat Sales
Maximize the lifetime value
of your customer, client, or patient base
Generate More Referrals
Systematically channel your referral efforts into tangible results.
Finally, Find Success With Local Digital Marketing
Feel Like It's Time to Make a Change in Your Marketing, But Can't Seem to Find a Way?
You’re In The Right Place… Even if you've struggled to put together a proactive plan of attack for marketing your business? Even if it feels like you “missed the boat” doing digital marketing for your business? And especially if you feel like you might just SCREAM the next time another business owner raves about some new marketing tactic you simply “must” jump on…
Do Any of These Ring A Bell?
You have a lack of marketing know-how.
If you don’t have the marketing chops at your company, then all of the great marketing strategies in the world aren’t going to do much good. Strategy without execution is just wishful thinking!
You don’t have the technical know-how to execute your marketing ideas on the Internet.
This is incredibly frustrating, isn’t it? Watching an internet-savvy competitor get an edge because they are more comfortable online, even though you are delivering a superior product – it almost seems unfair! That feeling of “I’m better but the world doesn’t know it” is one of the truest signs that your marketing systems are letting you down.
You don’t have time.
The reality of running a business is that there is never enough time in the day to do everything you’d like. If you have to choose between servicing a client or studying the latest gee-whiz Internet marketing strategy, chances are you will (and should!) take care of your client.
These are all perfectly legitimate reasons. But I want to make the argument that you shouldn’t let these roadblocks stop you from using the Internet to grow your business.
How Do I know If Coaching is Right For Me?
You may realize that you need to make a change, that you aren’t growing as you should, that your current approach to marketing is not working, and that you are committed to getting past your current income limits.
If so, I would be interested in talking with you to see if there is potentially a good fit to work together.
The opportunity for your business is just too large! The impact an effective marketing strategy can make on your business can mean the difference between a business that’s:
- Making great money vs. no money,
- Fun to run vs. a pain to run,
- Affording you with an attractive lifestyle vs. consuming your every waking minute.
Which is why I feel so strongly that…
The Four R’s Listed Above MUST Be Put To Work For Every Local Small Business, Or You Are Literally Bleeding Money Every Day!
My Approach
I must say upfront that I only work with one Product or Service Provider client per industry, per zip code so I can give them all of my knowledge and experience without having to worry about conflict with another client.
And we are particular about who we work with.
We work with businesses that are already successful and are looking for strategic ways to get FAR MORE successful.
We work with clients that have the mindset and resources to handle the level of growth that is possible to achieve.
If you’ve seen the benefit of what you’ve read in these pages, then I’d encourage you to join my Inner Circle Coaching Program immediately.
From there, we will set up a follow up phone call to develop a Custom Marketing Blueprint specifically for your business.
What Local Small-Business Owners Like You Are Saying…

Nate Gustafson, Artisan Life Photography
“We grossed over $300K on our website using Google AdWords because Clarence and his team did what they said they would do.”

Michael Watkins, Fitness Together
“We're already up over last year, with about a 20% increase from year to year. Clarence's continued professionalism and systems are geared toward long term presence and guaranteed results. Clarence is the ONLY internet marketing partner for me and the only team I'll confidently recommend to colleagues!”

Phil Burch, Fine Books/OASIS Adult Day Center
“Clarence has helped me with one retail business. Fine books and one non-profit, OASIS Adult Day Services. Google both and you will see the placement that he and his team have helped us achieve. Most recently, they helped us on a ratings campaign. They are clever, honest and work hard for their clients. I couldn't ask for more.”
FREE DOWNLOAD: The 4 Proven Marketing Systems That Will Ensure 25% Growth at Your Business In The Next 12 Months!
Discover the “secret formula” that the most successful local small-businesses use to fuel growth and outperform the competition.
Yours free, just for visiting today! 🙂